Andy Warhol, Campbell’s II Noodle O’s


Iconische Cambell’s Soup zeefdruk naar Warhol op ± 90 x 60 cm met het zwarte Sunday B. Morning stempel op de achterzijde.


Techniek: Zeefdruk op museum board
Titel: Campbell’s Soup II, Tomato Beef Noodle O’s
Bladformaat: 89 x 58,5 cm
Verso black stamp Sunday B Morning (earlier series)
The Campbell’s Soup II original series was created in 1969.
It has 10 serigraphs on paper signed and numbered. Campbell’s Soup is one of the most iconic series of the artist. The work proposed here is a later reedition. The original edition appears in the Feldman & Schellmann catalogue Raisonné
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